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Thursday, September 24, 2009

We're all in the same boat

My Capstone (B 499) class is very challenging, and lately I haven't felt smart enough to be in this class. It's really gotten me down. I've also been feeling so confused in my International Econ class. I felt so stupid and alone. But last night, I asked my sweet roommate how she was doing and she burst into tears because she wasn't understanding her accounting class and felt so stupid and alone. We talked for a while about what we were both struggling with and ended up laughing and feeling much better.

Then today, in my Econ class, everyone started talking about how confused they felt about our course work because our teacher is so scatter-brained.

It just goes to show, we're all in the same boat. None of us is ever truly alone. Everyone has their struggles in life. Sometimes, I start to think that I'm the only person who's struggling with a particular problem, when in fact, there are lots of people around me that are going through the exact same challenge. And when we let each other in, and build each other up, we can overcome any obstacle that stands in our way.

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