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Sunday, November 1, 2009

And now a word from our sponsors

Sharing a bathroom with 5 other girls can yeild pretty frightening results.

Hair and makeup all over the sink and counters. Hairspray buildup on the counters and mirrors. and most disguisting, toothpaste gunk (the scientific term) in the sinks. Bleck!!!

But that is why I love this little wonder product (Heavenly choirs join in singing Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!)

It cleans so quickly and easily. It cuts through hairspray build-up like a hot knife through butter! And it's disinfecting so the germaphobe in my sleeps a little easier at night. And as an added bonus, it smells pretty good too! :)

Ah! That feels much better!


  1. Ha! That's great! I sure don't miss sharing a bathroom with 5 girls! All though growing up I did share one with 4 girls. I don't miss that either. I enjoyed being the only girl getting ready in my bathroom for a few years and now I get to share it with Avery, who likes to giggle with her reflection in the mirror as I get ready! Lots of fun! Way to be brave and clean up the mess! I'm sure your roomies love you! :)

  2. that's really funny. as is my heart (john now says that about everything.)
